


Board of Directors

Toby Perlman, President and Founder
Itzhak Perlman
Randall Blank, Chairman
Peter Kend, Vice President
Jim Toth, Vice President
Mark Miller, Secretary / Treasurer
Bettina S. Bryant
Michael Bunyaner
Catherine Cho
Rodger DeRose
Michael Katz
Linda Fayne Levinson
Adam Meyer
Pamela Pantzer
Merry Peckham
Karen Seymour
Laura Sloate
Caitlin Tully
Randy Yuen

In Memoriam
Morgan B. Stark
Barbara Gladstone

The Perlman Music Program is a registered 501(c)3 organization.

Federal Tax ID Number 11-3247651

Legal name and official mailing address:

The Perlman Music Program, Inc.
19 West 69th Street, Suite 1101
New York, New York 10023

IRS Form 990

Audited Financial Statements

Charitable Solicitation Disclosures

Privacy Policy