Annual Summer Gala

Our gala is the heartbeat of our summer fundraising, and sustains our operations and programming all year long. Your support gives our students a place to be kids in a safe, nurturing community and sets them up for a future complete with life-long mentorship, musicianship, and friendship.


2024 summer gala

Celebrating 30 Years of PMP

Hosted By
Toby and Itzhak Perlman

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024

Experience the magic of summertime with The Perlman Music Program! Join us at our Summer Gala to toast the season, enjoy breathtaking views, and immerse yourself in the sounds of laughter, waves, and beautiful music.

Featuring the 2024 Summer Music School Chorus and Orchestra

Honoring Barbara Gladstone* and Merry Peckham

Open Air Tents  |  PMP Campus
73 Shore Road, Shelter Island Heights

Your support at the gala fuels our year-round operations, providing a safe and nurturing environment where students can thrive, receive mentorship, hone their musical talents, and form lifelong friendships. Your contribution ensures a bright future for our students.

*In Memoriam

QUESTIONS? Email Eliese Lissner or call 212.877.5045


2024 Summer gala Support



Cornelia and Ralph Heins
Biriçim and Mark Miller


Mrs. Veronica Atkins
Christine and Randall Blank
Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder
Dalia and Larry Leeds Family Foundation
Imperfect Family Foundation
Gladstone Gallery
Kane and Martin Nussbaum
Pamela and Edward S. Pantzer
The Lawrence and Carol Saper Foundation
R. Adam Smith
Sidney S. Stark and the Stires-Stark Family Foundation
Ashley and Jim Toth
Sedgwick A. Ward


The Assouline-Lichten Foundation
Joshua Barer
Barbara Barnes
Stanley Baumblatt and Charles Austin
Gail and Israel Berger
Gayle and Stephen Bernstein
Jane Krieger and Neil Bersin
Sherry Bloom
Lisa Stamm Booher
Catharine Borzon and Marc J. Goldstein
Gweneth Brown
Michael Bunyaner
Susan Caplan and Stuart Shikiar
Terri and Fadi Chartouni
Cumming Foundation
Judith Daniels
Ellen Davis
Rodger DeRose
Susan P. Dusenberry
Constance and F. Wood Fischer
Sylvie and Robert Fitzpatrick
Alice and Stuart Goldman
Karyn and Bruce Greenwald
Christine and Brent Haney
Drs. Judith Hanlon and Wayne Proudfoot
Hermione Foundation, Laura Sloate, Trustee
Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Richard S. Weinert
Richard Hoblock & Gary Garrels
Lily and Joel Hoffman
Ms. Tianyue Jiang and Dr. Ning Lin 
Anna Kaplan and Adam Meyer
Michael Katz and Alison Cassorla
Katherine and Peter Kend
Edie Landeck and Michael Coles
Stephanie and Samuel Lebowitz
Susan Levitt
Mary Lumet
Sally and Barry Mandel
Dr. Rosemary M. McAndrew
Georgette and Michael McConnell
Sheila and David L. McLean
Juliet Melamid
Paula Paster Michtom
Franny Milberg
Lois B. Morris and Robert Lipsyte
Nancy Olsen-Norton and Andy Norton
Hannah and David Rabinowitz
Dr. Julie Ratner
Roberta Rinzler
Caroline Ritter and Oscar Sloterbeck
Janet Roach
Meryl Rosofsky, MD and Stuart H. Coleman
Steven L. Salzman
Jo Ann Secor and Lee Skolnick
Karen Seymour
Ivy Shapiro
Deborah and J. Michael Shepherd
Jenny and Ami Sibony
Kelly and Brett Surerus
Pamela Sweeney and Peter Levenson
Cathy and Harry Totonis
Caitlin Tully
Bob Weinstein and Eric Hensley
Cantor Lois Welber and Ari B. Lurie
Randy Yuen